
Learn to pronounce ur·ban

  1. in, relating to, or characteristic of a town or city.
    "the urban population"
    synonyms: built-up, town, city, inner-city, densely populated, townified, citified, metropolitan, suburban, nonrural, municipal, civic, borough, towny, townish, oppidan
  2. denoting or relating to popular dance music associated with Black performers.
    "a party that features the best in urban music"

Urban Outfitters US is a lifestyle retailer dedicated to inspiring customers through a unique combination of product, creativity and cultural understanding.
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adjective. of, relating to, or designating a city or town: densely populated urban areas. living, located, or taking place in a city: urban rooftop gardening.
1. (noun) A lazy cowboy who neglects their duties on a farm or ranch. 2. (noun) A rural person in an urban environment, such as an office, who's mannersisms ...